From the Spongebob anime netflix adapation:
Category Archives: Uncategorized
On the So-Called Skills Gap
As unemployment in the labor pool rose, so did the requirements for education and experience from employers. What was portrayed by Chamber of Commerce and economists as a ‘skills gap’ was the consequence of high unemployment, not the cause. “The Skills Gap was a Lie”, Matthew Yglesias
Returns on Capital to Labor and Higher Costs?
Although some analysts warned of inflation, Ms. Girard said the pay increase should not bother policymakers at the Federal Reserve. “I don’t think it’s something the Fed should worry about,” she said. “Productivity growth is picking up, and workers should earn more. It doesn’t mean companies have to pass on higher wage costs to consumers. […]
Murals are everywhere downtown Wonderful portrait that reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it Roadside cafe More Bishop Museum artifacts!
Eric Tymoigne’s Banking Explainer Series
Eric Tymoigne over at New Economic Perspectives wrote a series of enlightening blog posts(12+) on money. He starts with simple accounting and balance sheet math– goes on to describe financial institutions that comprise the sector- the entire series can be found under the tag money and banking.
Friends by Sam
Jetstream at Bar Shoppe
Day Shift Returns
A mix from the homie DJ 100proof! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Featuring: DJ DV Onedj100proofGifted Gab (live)SosaDJ SJStas Thee Boss (DJ set)DJ Evieluxx /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Free before 4PM / $5 after 4PM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Roll that Night Shift Film
Thanks to all my friends, family, classmates, for helping me finish my first year of grad school, thanks to all my teachers.