Partisan Gerrymandering Case before the Supreme Court

NPR: “Partisan Gerrymandering– How Much is Too Much?“ With the court apparently split 4-4 along liberal-conservative lines, the man in the middle is Justice Anthony Kennedy, who in a 2004 court opinion left the door open to declaring extreme partisan gerrymandering unconstitutional if “manageable standards” could be developed for identifying which ones are extreme. Justice […]

Implementations on Antitrust

Matt Yglesias, 5 different things people mean when they say we need to revive anti-trust: Democrats are both united in their newfound interest in antitrust measures and also divided on exactly what a reinvigoration entails. That’s in part because at least five different ideas are floating around that often get mushed together under the same […]

Unemployment Rates for Black Residents in Washington DC

Linnea Lassiter at DCFPI wrote a paper on the growing unemployment rates for Black D.C. residents, and the Washington City Paper has done a recap. One hypothesis is that the culprit is a booming D.C. economy that has drawn an influx of jobs and labor that typically go to white, college-educated applicants, combined with the […]

The Latino Effect on Economic Growth

Jeffrey Eisenach on “Making America Rich Again” : The study focuses on Latino demographics, presents data on the role of Latinos as workers and entrepreneurs, presents data on Latino income and purchasing power, and focuses on the top 25 power Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). The data presented in this study demonstrate that the Latino community […]

Before Anyone Else

Late nights running around looking for ramen and music at Come celebrate our 1st Anniversary party and last #baetokyo of the year! Our two main baes will be MISO from Korea and A/K/A SOUNDS from Singappore. Thank you for your support! – Bae(Before Anyone Else) –Girls djが集いクリエイティブな才能を開かせる空間。アトランタにて今成長を遂げているイベント[Bae]を中目黒solfaとコラボレーション。10/1(土)のbae tokyoは1周年を祝うべく特別ゲストとして、韓国からMiso、シンガポールからA/K/A Soundsが参加!また、来場者の方には先着順でノベルティーを配布予定。会場内では[Bae]オリジナルグッズも販売。Bae Tokyoとして開催される若手中心のGIRLS DJ PARTYに是非遊びに来てください。これからDJを目指している方も体感してみてはいかがでしょうか。 ——————————— BAE […]